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InnoDB supports FULLTEXT index since MySQL 5.6.4.PHPBB-11873
Prevent expensive hash computation in phpbb_check_hash() by rejecting very long passwordsPHPBB-11753
Upgrade mysql_upgrader.php schema data.PHPBB-11668
Run lint test at the end of the test suitePHPBB-11576
Make phpBB Test Suite MySQL behave at least as strict as phpBB MySQL driverPHPBB-11542
Add unit tests for language_select() in functions.phpPHPBB-11540
Add unit tests for (phpbb_)is_absolute()PHPBB-11527
Upgrade composer.phar to 1.0.0-alpha7PHPBB-11526
Increase composer minimum-stability from beta to stablePHPBB-11337
Run functional tests on Travis CIPHPBB-11240
Turn on PHPUnit's verbose mode on TravisPHPBB-11192
Add Tebibyte to get_formatted_filesize()PHPBB-11009
Backport phing build.xml from develop to develop-olympus so it uses composer.PHPBB-10974
Move tests/mock_user.php to tests/mock/user.phpPHPBB-10205
More informative reporting of errors when database connection fails (MySQL and others)PHPBB-11671
Add phing/phing to composer.jsonPHPBB-11543
Add unit tests for obtain online functions in functions.phpPHPBB-11541
Add unit tests for style_select() in functions.phpPHPBB-11529
Rename RUNNING_TESTS file to .md file to render it on GitHubPHPBB-11513
Install PHPUnit via Composer's require-dev to simplify test running (no need for pear)PHPBB-11324
Add PHP 5.5 environment on Travis-CIPHPBB-11285
Use more granularity in dependency checks in compress testPHPBB-11238
Specify goutte versionPHPBB-11202
Add response status checks to functional testsPHPBB-11162
Get rid of $db->sql_return_on_error(true) trickery when splitting/merging topicsPHPBB-11131
Phrasing & semantics of Board settingsPHPBB-11060
Fix travis.yml pyrus configPHPBB-11059
Fix README logoPHPBB-11045
Add unit tests for the compress classPHPBB-10981
Upgrade Goutte and use Composer for InstallationPHPBB-10854
sql server drop default constraint when dropping columnPHPBB-10716
PHP-parse all php files as part of the test suitePHPBB-10050
subsilver2: Do not show "Mark topics as read" when there are no topicsPHPBB-8743
New topic / reply notifications do not contain author's name.PHPBB-11368
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