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  1. phpBB
  2. PHPBB-11158

modules table lacks acl_u_sig for signature module


      The issue was described in http://tracker.phpbb.com/browse/PHPBB3-10186. Signature module is displayed in navigation for users that cannot change signature.

      The fix in http://tracker.phpbb.com/browse/PHPBB3-10186 was to hide that specific module in the code after checking auth. However, module system has a provision for checking auth, via specifying acl in module_auth column in modules table. Currently module_auth still has no acl requirement for signatures:

      qi_x30=> select * from phpbb_modules where module_class='ucp' and module_mode='signature';
       module_id | module_enabled | module_display | module_basename | module_class | parent_id | left_id | right_id |    module_langname    | module_mode | module_auth 
             194 |              1 |              1 | ucp_profile     | ucp          |       173 |      16 |       17 | UCP_PROFILE_SIGNATURE | signature   | 
      (1 row)

      The fix would be to revert the http://tracker.phpbb.com/browse/PHPBB3-10186 patch and set correct acl on modules table.

            Oleg Oleg [X] (Inactive)
            Oleg Oleg [X] (Inactive)
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