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  1. phpBB
  2. PHPBB-9712

Future dates display as "less than one minute ago"


    • Icon: Bug Bug
    • Resolution: Fixed
    • Icon: Minor Minor
    • 3.0.8-RC1
    • 3.0.7-PL1, 3.1.0-dev
    • Other
    • None

      There are some cases when future dates display as less than a minute ago, which is really annoying for mods.
      And also may affect phpbb on end of ban/poll dates.

      Testing cases:
      Set your date-format to something with || so it's shortened
      than put something like:

      echo $user->format_date(time() - 30) . '<br />';
      echo $user->format_date(time()) . '<br />';
      echo $user->format_date(time() + 3600) . '<br />';
      echo $user->format_date(time() + 7200) . '<br />';

      into your index.php

      what you would expect is:

      less than a minute ago
      less than a minute ago
      Today 11:21:16
      Today 12:21:16

      but what you get is:

      less than a minute ago
      less than a minute ago
      less than a minute ago
      less than a minute ago

      the reason for this is, from the current code:

      		if ($delta <= 3600 && ($delta >= -5 || (($now / 60) % 60) == (($gmepoch / 60) % 60)) && $date_cache[$format]['is_short'] !== false && !$forcedate && isset($this->lang['datetime']['AGO']))

      $delta is -3600 and -7200 so both times <= 3600 and (($now / 60) % 60) == (($gmepoch / 60) % 60) is also true, as they are the same minute (doesn't care about the hour yet).

      two possibilities I'd suggest:

      • Remove detecting the minute, so it's only displayed as "less than a minute ago, when it is ago or the 5 seconds in future:

        if ($delta <= 3600 && ($delta >= -5) && $date_cache[$format]['is_short'] !== false && !$forcedate && isset($this->lang['datetime']['AGO']))

      • or if you want to keep the detecting of the whole minute (which I think is wrong, as it may still take 59 seconds in some cases ) add a "$delta > -60 &&" to the minute-check:

        if ($delta <= 3600 && ($delta >= -5 || ($delta > -60 && (($now / 60) % 60) == (($gmepoch / 60) % 60))) && $date_cache[$format]['is_short'] !== false && !$forcedate && isset($this->lang['datetime']['AGO']))

        I'd prefer the first version.

            ToonArmy Chris Smith
            nickvergessen Joas Schilling
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