Resolution: Fixed
PHP Environment:
In some time the user when try to send pm from another user's profile get the error "The requested users to be added do not exist."
The problem in the follow code's in includes/ucp/ucp_pm_compose.php:
// Build usernames to add
$usernames = (isset($_REQUEST['username'])) ? array(request_var('username', '', true)) : array();
$username_list = request_var('username_list', '', true);
if ($username_list)
$usernames = array_merge($usernames, explode("\n", $username_list));
// Reveal the correct user_ids
if (sizeof($usernames))
$user_id_ary = array();
user_get_id_name($user_id_ary, $usernames, array(USER_NORMAL, USER_FOUNDER, USER_INACTIVE));
// If there are users not existing, we will at least print a notice...
if (!sizeof($user_id_ary))
$error[] = $user->lang['PM_NO_USERS'];
$_REQUEST array by default contains the contents of $_GET, $_POST and $_COOKIE. If the cookies has "username" variable (from other applications) this code return error to user.
- is duplicated by
PHPBB-8112 PM form errors
- Closed