The user last visit time should reflect the last time the user visited the site, i.e. not the time the user was last visiting pages on the site but the last visit before that.
After the changes in PHPBB3-16470, the time does now always get updated. This essentially breaks the new posts search that should show posts that were created since the last time the user has visited the site. It gets misused to retrieve the user's last active time on the site, which is not the same as their last visit time.
Probably the best approach would be to create a separate last active time column for the user to store that time separate from the last visit time and undo the changes to the last visit time.
- is related to
PHPBB-17338 Incorrect members list sorting by user_last_visit
- Closed
- was caused by solution of
PHPBB-16470 Memberlist bug - sorting by Last active date is incorrect
- Closed