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  1. phpBB
  2. PHPBB-17016

Relocate the contents of the assets folder to the all folder


      currently there are several css, js, and fonts located in the phpbb/phpBB/assets folder. These all need moved to the phpbb/phpBB/styles/all folder. This is required not only for chameleon and the restructure of the template system but is also needed for sanity to house all of our css and js in one unified location instead of spider all over the place. Eventually the styles and ACP should all pull the js/imgs/external css/etc... from this one central location.

      so a rundown of the changes required

      phpbb/phpBB/assets/css -> phpbb/phpBB/styles/all/css

      phpbb/phpBB/assets/javascript-> phpbb/phpBB/styles/all/js

      phpbb/phpBB/assets/pupload/plupload.full.min.js-> phpbb/phpBB/styles/all/js/plupload.full.min.js

      phpbb/phpBB/assets/cookieconsent/cookieconsent.min.css-> phpbb/phpBB/styles/all/css
      phpbb/phpBB/assets/cookieconsent/cookieconsent.min.js-> phpbb/phpBB/styles/all/js

      also should go without saying but will need to rework all links to these in the template files and the template variables that point to them.

      we can probably simplify everything into a single template variable of template_asset possibly? As the only thing that would change is an industry standard folder for each type of asset

            Unassigned Unassigned
            Hanakin Michael Miday
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