One of my site members reported the "reply" window doesn't initially have the focus on the text area. I confirmed it doesn't on's community forum, too. Adding "autofocus" to posting_editor.html appears to fix it:
<div id="message-box" class="message-box"> <textarea <!-- IF S_UCP_ACTION and not S_PRIVMSGS and not S_EDIT_DRAFT -->name="signature" id="signature" style="height: 9em;"<!-- ELSE -->name="message" id="message"<!-- ENDIF --> rows="15" cols="76" tabindex="4" onselect="storeCaret(this);" onclick="storeCaret(this);" onkeyup="storeCaret(this);" onfocus="initInsertions();" class="inputbox" autofocus>{MESSAGE}{DRAFT_MESSAGE}{SIGNATURE}</textarea> </div> |