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  1. phpBB
  2. PHPBB-15906

Two tables not being created during upgrades


      I recently did two upgrades from phpBB 3.0.10 to phpBB 3.2.4 for two different clients. The same issues occurred.

      • At the start of the migration, the upgrade program flagged an error. The phpbb_config_text table did not exist. I had to create it and its indexes in order to get it to start.
      • During the 3.2 part of the migration, a similar error happened. The phpbb_oauth_states table did not exist. I had to create it and its indexes too.

      I imagine these migration routines should test if the tables don't exist and if they don't create them rather than error out like this.

            Marc Marc
            MarkDHamill MarkDHamill
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