Resolution: Unresolved
Server: Debian Jessie, PHP 5.6.29-0, apache 2.4.10-10, mysql 5.5.54-0
Client: thunderbird (every OS), RSSDemon (android), I am afraid $WahtSoEver, too.
Before 3.2 I used this URL
Together with my credentials in various external RSS readers (eg Thunderbird and RSSDemon worked perfectly).
Those URL came up with an auth challenge and after successful login you get a feed meeting what you are entitled to.
After 3.2 this isn't possible anymore. The url:
is redirected to
and the htp-auth query is ignored. Adding the query to app.php/feed?auth=http isn't working, too. It seems it is just ignored here .
Though the right feed is displayed well, if you view it in a bowser that has the auth in cache or is already authorised, the missing auth challenge prevents that you can use external RSS readers, that used to work perfectly before. As I am really in need of that feature I am afraid I have to downgrade .