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  1. phpBB
  2. PHPBB-14549

Correctly redirect back after topic merge in MCP


      in "Moderator Control Panel" view forum after sellecting some topics then select "merge" from "select desired action" combobox then click "submit"
      > in the next page click "[select for merge]" for any topic
      > in the next page confirm merge
      > in next page you will message "The selected posts have been merged." after that the page will redirect you to the back page "[select for merge]" this time the topics were merged and not exist any more in the db and you will got error massage "You must select at least one post to perform this action"

      the page must redirect to clean view forum MCP page

            Marc Marc
            hubaishan Saeed Hubaishan
            0 Vote for this issue
            2 Start watching this issue
