Resolution: Cannot Reproduce
Debian Stable.
MySQL version: 5.5.41-0+wheezy1-log (Debian)
I am having a problem converting a 3.0.12 board to 3.1.3 because of duplicate rows on table phpbb3_search_wordmatch. The converter errors when running the following migration file:
Database type :: mysql4
Previous version :: 3.1.0-RC2
Installing Schema: \phpbb\db\migration\data\v310\rename_too_long_indexes.
It produces the following error (I have omitted the backtrace):
SQL ERROR [ mysql4 ]
Duplicate entry '25-34-0' for key 'un_mtch' [1062]
ALTER TABLE phpbb3_search_wordmatch ADD UNIQUE INDEX un_mtch(word_id, post_id, title_match)
A few years back I had a couple of crashes on this db and had to repair the tables. But after those crashes I deleted and re-created the fulltext native search index from ACP (if that plays any role in this situation). I had no crash after the rebuild.
The queries I used to determine (1) the number of duplicate rows and the (2) the total number of rows, are the following:
mysql> SELECT COUNT(*) FROM (SELECT DISTINCT * FROM phpbb3_search_wordmatch) psw;
| COUNT(*) |
| 30532173 |
1 row in set (7 min 43.27 sec)
mysql> SELECT COUNT(word_id) FROM phpbb3_search_wordmatch;
| COUNT(word_id) |
| 30625943 |
1 row in set (0.03 sec)
A total of 93770 duplicates exist.