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  1. phpBB
  2. PHPBB-12545

new pre-posting event


    • Icon: New Feature New Feature
    • Resolution: Fixed
    • Icon: Minor Minor
    • 3.1.11-RC1
    • 3.1.0-b3
    • Events
    • None

      An event should be triggered before a post/topic is created allowing extensions to do additional error checking and validation.
      In posting.php at line 1115 the following could be added:

           * This event is used for performing additional checks before a post/topic is created.
           * The only action that should be altered is $error array.
           * @event core.submit_post_end
           * @var	string		mode		The current editing mode
           * @var	array		post_data		The data submitted
           * @var	array		error                The array of errors
           * @since 3.1.0-b4
          $vars = array(
          extract($phpbb_dispatcher->trigger_event('core.submit_post_data_error_check', compact($vars)));
      // Store message, sync counters
      if (!sizeof($error) && $submit) ....

      Any additional variables you think is important could be added, but for most extensions just being able to change the error variable based on the data submitted should be enough.

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            rfdy rfdy [X] (Inactive)
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