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  1. phpBB
  2. PHPBB-12317

Some notification tests fail on DBMS drivers using appropriate integer typing (MSSQL, Sqlite3, also MySQL on HHVM)




      ... this is because notification auth mock maps an array of strings to something, but should map an array of integers to something and have the correct types specified by the caller.

      afischer@leonard:/var/www/projects/phpbb3 (develop-ascraeus) $ ~/code/projects/hhvm/hhvm/hphp/hhvm/hhvm phpBB/vendor/bin/phpunit
      PHPUnit 3.7.24 by Sebastian Bergmann.
      Configuration read from /var/www/projects/phpbb3/phpunit.xml.dist
      .............................................................   61 / 2410 (  2%)
      .......................I.................SSSS................  122 / 2410 (  5%)
      .............................................................  183 / 2410 (  7%)
      .............................................................  244 / 2410 ( 10%)
      .............................................................  305 / 2410 ( 12%)
      .............................................................  366 / 2410 ( 15%)
      .............................................................  427 / 2410 ( 17%)
      .............................................................  488 / 2410 ( 20%)
      .............................................................  549 / 2410 ( 22%)
      .............................................................  610 / 2410 ( 25%)
      .............................................................  671 / 2410 ( 27%)
      .............................................................  732 / 2410 ( 30%)
      .............................................................  793 / 2410 ( 32%)
      .............................................................  854 / 2410 ( 35%)
      ...................F...F.F...................................  915 / 2410 ( 37%)
      .............................................................  976 / 2410 ( 40%)
      ............................................................. 1037 / 2410 ( 43%)
      ............................................................. 1098 / 2410 ( 45%)
      ............................................................. 1159 / 2410 ( 48%)
      ............................................................. 1220 / 2410 ( 50%)
      ............................................................. 1281 / 2410 ( 53%)
      ............................................................. 1342 / 2410 ( 55%)
      ............................................................. 1403 / 2410 ( 58%)
      ............................................................. 1464 / 2410 ( 60%)
      ............................................................. 1525 / 2410 ( 63%)
      ............................................................. 1586 / 2410 ( 65%)
      ............................................................. 1647 / 2410 ( 68%)
      ............................................................. 1708 / 2410 ( 70%)
      ............................................................. 1769 / 2410 ( 73%)
      ............................................................. 1830 / 2410 ( 75%)
      ............................................................. 1891 / 2410 ( 78%)
      ............................................................. 1952 / 2410 ( 80%)
      ............................................................. 2013 / 2410 ( 83%)
      ............................................................. 2074 / 2410 ( 86%)
      ............................................................. 2135 / 2410 ( 88%)
      ............................................................. 2196 / 2410 ( 91%)
      Time: 7.15 minutes, Memory: 176.96Mb
      There were 3 failures:
      1) phpbb_notification_submit_post_type_bookmark_test::test_submit_post with data set #0 (array(), array(array(5, 1, 1)), array(array(3, 2, 1), array(5, 1, 1), array(7, 2, 1)))
      Failed asserting that two arrays are equal.
      --- Expected
      +++ Actual
      @@ @@
       Array (
           0 => Array (
      -        'user_id' => 3
      -        'item_id' => 2
      +        'user_id' => 5
      +        'item_id' => 1
               'item_parent_id' => 1
      -    1 => Array (...)
      -    2 => Array (...)
      2) phpbb_notification_submit_post_type_post_test::test_submit_post with data set #0 (array(), array(array(5, 1, 1), array(8, 1, 1)), array(array(3, 2, 1), array(5, 1, 1), array(6, 2, 1), array(7, 2, 1), array(8, 1, 1)))
      Failed asserting that two arrays are equal.
      --- Expected
      +++ Actual
      @@ @@
       Array (
           0 => Array (
      -        'user_id' => 3
      -        'item_id' => 2
      +        'user_id' => 5
      +        'item_id' => 1
               'item_parent_id' => 1
           1 => Array (
      -        'user_id' => 5
      +        'user_id' => 8
               'item_id' => 1
               'item_parent_id' => 1
      -    2 => Array (...)
      -    3 => Array (...)
      -    4 => Array (...)
      3) phpbb_notification_submit_post_type_quote_test::test_submit_post with data set #0 (array('[quote="poster":uid]poster should not be notified[/quote:uid] [quote="test":uid]test should be notified[/quote:uid] [quote="unauthorized":uid]unauthorized to read, should not receive a notification[/quote:uid] [quote="notified":uid]already notified, should not receive a new notification[/quote:uid] [quote="disabled":uid]option disabled, should not receive a notification[/quote:uid] [quote="default":uid]option set to default, should receive a notification[/quote:uid] [quote="doesn\'t exist":uid]user does not exist, should not receive a notification[/quote:uid]', 'uid'), array(array(5, 1, 1)), array(array(3, 2, 1), array(5, 1, 1), array(7, 2, 1)))
      Failed asserting that two arrays are equal.
      --- Expected
      +++ Actual
      @@ @@
       Array (
           0 => Array (
      -        'user_id' => 3
      -        'item_id' => 2
      +        'user_id' => 5
      +        'item_id' => 1
               'item_parent_id' => 1
      -    1 => Array (...)
      -    2 => Array (...)
      Tests: 2232, Assertions: 72825, Failures: 3, Incomplete: 1, Skipped: 4.




            bantu Andreas Fischer [X] (Inactive)
            bantu Andreas Fischer [X] (Inactive)
            0 Vote for this issue
            2 Start watching this issue

