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  1. phpBB
  2. PHPBB-11352

Disapproving topic takes you to quick reply for that topic


      I just disapproved a topic on Area51 on the grounds of spam. AJAX popped up asking if I wanted to disapprove and I selected yes. Once the topic was disapproved, I clicked the "x" in the upper right and quick reply was still loaded. Obviously, trying to reply will throw the error "The requested topic does not exist". We should check whether we are disapprove a topic and if we are, load a different page (MCP or index perhaps). Also, automatically loading quick reply is a bad idea in my opinion - not only for the above mentioned reason but also because I may just want to approve/disapprove and not reply. I do this regularly on .com and Area51. See attachment.

        1. bug.png
          22 kB
          Tabitha Backoff [X]

            nickvergessen Joas Schilling
            t_backoff Tabitha Backoff [X] (Inactive)
            0 Vote for this issue
            1 Start watching this issue
