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  1. phpBB
  2. PHPBB-10141

Performance improvement for $auth->_fill_acl()


    • Icon: Improvement Improvement
    • Resolution: Fixed
    • Icon: Minor Minor
    • 3.0.9-RC1
    • 3.0.8
    • Authentication
    • None
    • All

      When profiling phpBB $auth->_fill_acl() ended up near the top of the list. I've been looking through this function and it does a LOT of work and a large part of that work is redundant.

      _fill_acl() mainly translates the data in user_permissions in the users table to a bitstring with:

      $this->acl[$f] .= str_pad(base_convert($subseq, 36, 2), 31, 0, STR_PAD_LEFT);

      It does this a non trivial amount of times and $subseq is the same on most iterations. My change caches the results for the different subsequences:

         * Fill ACL array with relevant bitstrings from user_permissions column
         * @access private
         function _fill_acl($user_permissions)
            $seq_cache = array();
            $this->acl = array();
            $user_permissions = explode("\n", $user_permissions);
            foreach ($user_permissions as $f => $seq)
               if ($seq)
                  $i = 0;
                  if (!isset($this->acl[$f]))
                     $this->acl[$f] = '';
                  while ($subseq = substr($seq, $i, 6))
                     if (isset($seq_cache[$subseq]))
                        $this->acl[$f] .= $seq_cache[$subseq];
                        // We put the original bitstring into the acl array
                        $this->acl[$f] .= ($seq_cache[$subseq] = str_pad(base_convert($subseq, 36, 2), 31, 0, STR_PAD_LEFT));
                     $i += 6;

      The original _fill_acl() is here:


      In my particular case this resulted in a 200% improvement for this function and a 10% saving in page generation times.

            bantu Andreas Fischer [X] (Inactive)
            BartVB BartVB [X] (Inactive)
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