Currently there's no way to use [list] without any symbol (which is useful for indents). You're teased to do something like this...
[list]This is my indented text[/list]
...but that will render invalid HTML (as <ul> doesn't allow plain character data and expects a surrounding <li> at least).
So I suggest to also use the type none for lists. To do so, only 2 files need to be modified:
Open /includes/bbcode.php and find
else if (preg_match('#^(disc|circle|square)$#i', $type))
replace with
else if (preg_match('#^(disc|circle|square|none)$#i', $type))
/includes/message_parser.php and find
'list' => array('bbcode_id' => 9, 'regexp' => array('#\[list(?:=(?:[a-z0-9]|disc|circle|square))?].*\[/list]#ise' => "\$this->bbcode_parse_list('\$0')")),
replace with
'list' => array('bbcode_id' => 9, 'regexp' => array('#\[list(?:=(?:[a-z0-9]|disc|circle|square|none))?].*\[/list]#ise' => "\$this->bbcode_parse_list('\$0')")),
Furthermore CSS2 types should be allowed. For these the function bbcode_list in /includes/bbcode.php needs to be augmented with more ELSE IFs for
- lower-greek
- hebrew
- decimal-leading-zero
- cjk-ideographic
- hiragana
- katakana
- hiragana-iroha
- katakana-iroha