pie@snap tests % git rebase origin/develop First, rewinding head to replay your work on top of it... Fast-forwarded develop to origin/develop. pie@snap tests % phpunit all_tests.php PHPUnit 3.4.15 by Sebastian Bergmann. ............................................................ 60 / 846 ............................................................ 120 / 846 ..IIIIIIIIIII............................................... 180 / 846 ............................................................ 240 / 846 ............................................................ 300 / 846 ............................................................ 360 / 846 ............................................................ 420 / 846 ............................................................ 480 / 846 ............................................................ 540 / 846 ............................................................ 600 / 846 .......................EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE 660 / 846 EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE................................. 720 / 846 ............................................................ 780 / 846 ............................................................ 840 / 846 ...... Time: 6 seconds, Memory: 16.25Mb There were 64 errors: 1) phpbb_dbal_test::test_return_on_error_select with data set #0 ('phpbb_users', 'username_clean = \'bertie\'', array(array('bertie'))) PDOException: could not find driver 2) phpbb_dbal_test::test_return_on_error_select with data set #1 ('phpbb_users', 'username_clean syntax_error', false) PDOException: could not find driver 3) phpbb_dbal_test::test_fetchrow with data set #0 ('', array(array('barfoo'), array('foobar'), array('bertie'))) PDOException: could not find driver 4) phpbb_dbal_test::test_fetchrow with data set #1 ('user_id = 2', array(array('foobar'))) PDOException: could not find driver 5) phpbb_dbal_test::test_fetchrow with data set #2 ('username_clean = \'bertie\'', array(array('bertie'))) PDOException: could not find driver 6) phpbb_dbal_test::test_fetchrow with data set #3 ('username_clean = \'phpBB\'', array()) PDOException: could not find driver 7) phpbb_dbal_test::test_fetchrowset with data set #0 ('', array(array('barfoo'), array('foobar'), array('bertie'))) PDOException: could not find driver 8) phpbb_dbal_test::test_fetchrowset with data set #1 ('user_id = 2', array(array('foobar'))) PDOException: could not find driver 9) phpbb_dbal_test::test_fetchrowset with data set #2 ('username_clean = \'bertie\'', array(array('bertie'))) PDOException: could not find driver 10) phpbb_dbal_test::test_fetchrowset with data set #3 ('username_clean = \'phpBB\'', array()) PDOException: could not find driver 11) phpbb_dbal_test::test_fetchfield with data set #0 ('', array('barfoo', 'foobar', 'bertie')) PDOException: could not find driver 12) phpbb_dbal_test::test_fetchfield with data set #1 ('user_id = 2', array('foobar')) PDOException: could not find driver 13) phpbb_dbal_test::test_query_limit with data set #0 (0, 0, array(array('barfoo'), array('foobar'), array('bertie'))) PDOException: could not find driver 14) phpbb_dbal_test::test_query_limit with data set #1 (0, 1, array(array('foobar'), array('bertie'))) PDOException: could not find driver 15) phpbb_dbal_test::test_query_limit with data set #2 (1, 0, array(array('barfoo'))) PDOException: could not find driver 16) phpbb_dbal_test::test_query_limit with data set #3 (1, 2, array(array('bertie'))) PDOException: could not find driver 17) phpbb_dbal_test::test_query_limit with data set #4 (2, 0, array(array('barfoo'), array('foobar'))) PDOException: could not find driver 18) phpbb_dbal_test::test_query_limit with data set #5 (2, 2, array(array('bertie'))) PDOException: could not find driver 19) phpbb_dbal_test::test_query_limit with data set #6 (2, 5, array()) PDOException: could not find driver 20) phpbb_dbal_test::test_query_limit with data set #7 (10, 1, array(array('foobar'), array('bertie'))) PDOException: could not find driver 21) phpbb_dbal_test::test_query_limit with data set #8 (10, 5, array()) PDOException: could not find driver 22) phpbb_dbal_test::test_like_expression with data set #0 ('barfoo', array(array('barfoo'))) PDOException: could not find driver 23) phpbb_dbal_test::test_like_expression with data set #1 ('bar', array()) PDOException: could not find driver 24) phpbb_dbal_test::test_like_expression with data set #2 ('bar*', array(array('barfoo'))) PDOException: could not find driver 25) phpbb_dbal_test::test_like_expression with data set #3 ('*bar*', array(array('barfoo'), array('foobar'))) PDOException: could not find driver 26) phpbb_dbal_test::test_like_expression with data set #4 ('b*r', array()) PDOException: could not find driver 27) phpbb_dbal_test::test_like_expression with data set #5 ('b*e', array(array('bertie'))) PDOException: could not find driver 28) phpbb_dbal_test::test_like_expression with data set #6 ('#b*e', array()) PDOException: could not find driver 29) phpbb_dbal_test::test_like_expression with data set #7 ('b####e', array(array('bertie'))) PDOException: could not find driver 30) phpbb_dbal_test::test_in_set with data set #0 ('user_id', 3, false, false, array(array('bertie'))) PDOException: could not find driver 31) phpbb_dbal_test::test_in_set with data set #1 ('user_id', 3, false, true, array(array('bertie'))) PDOException: could not find driver 32) phpbb_dbal_test::test_in_set with data set #2 ('user_id', 3, true, false, array(array('barfoo'), array('foobar'))) PDOException: could not find driver 33) phpbb_dbal_test::test_in_set with data set #3 ('user_id', 3, true, true, array(array('barfoo'), array('foobar'))) PDOException: could not find driver 34) phpbb_dbal_test::test_in_set with data set #4 ('username_clean', 'bertie', false, false, array(array('bertie'))) PDOException: could not find driver 35) phpbb_dbal_test::test_in_set with data set #5 ('username_clean', 'bertie', false, true, array(array('bertie'))) PDOException: could not find driver 36) phpbb_dbal_test::test_in_set with data set #6 ('username_clean', 'bertie', true, false, array(array('barfoo'), array('foobar'))) PDOException: could not find driver 37) phpbb_dbal_test::test_in_set with data set #7 ('username_clean', 'bertie', true, true, array(array('barfoo'), array('foobar'))) PDOException: could not find driver 38) phpbb_dbal_test::test_in_set with data set #8 ('user_id', array(3), false, false, array(array('bertie'))) PDOException: could not find driver 39) phpbb_dbal_test::test_in_set with data set #9 ('user_id', array(3), false, true, array(array('bertie'))) PDOException: could not find driver 40) phpbb_dbal_test::test_in_set with data set #10 ('user_id', array(3), true, false, array(array('barfoo'), array('foobar'))) PDOException: could not find driver 41) phpbb_dbal_test::test_in_set with data set #11 ('user_id', array(3), true, true, array(array('barfoo'), array('foobar'))) PDOException: could not find driver 42) phpbb_dbal_test::test_in_set with data set #12 ('user_id', array(1, 3), false, false, array(array('barfoo'), array('bertie'))) PDOException: could not find driver 43) phpbb_dbal_test::test_in_set with data set #13 ('user_id', array(1, 3), false, true, array(array('barfoo'), array('bertie'))) PDOException: could not find driver 44) phpbb_dbal_test::test_in_set with data set #14 ('user_id', array(1, 3), true, false, array(array('foobar'))) PDOException: could not find driver 45) phpbb_dbal_test::test_in_set with data set #15 ('user_id', array(1, 3), true, true, array(array('foobar'))) PDOException: could not find driver 46) phpbb_dbal_test::test_in_set with data set #16 ('username_clean', '', false, false, array()) PDOException: could not find driver 47) phpbb_dbal_test::test_in_set with data set #17 ('username_clean', '', false, true, array()) PDOException: could not find driver 48) phpbb_dbal_test::test_in_set with data set #18 ('username_clean', '', true, false, array(array('barfoo'), array('foobar'), array('bertie'))) PDOException: could not find driver 49) phpbb_dbal_test::test_in_set with data set #19 ('username_clean', '', true, true, array(array('barfoo'), array('foobar'), array('bertie'))) PDOException: could not find driver 50) phpbb_dbal_test::test_in_set with data set #20 ('user_id', array(), false, true, array()) PDOException: could not find driver 51) phpbb_dbal_test::test_in_set with data set #21 ('user_id', array(), true, true, array(array('barfoo'), array('foobar'), array('bertie'))) PDOException: could not find driver 52) phpbb_dbal_test::test_build_array with data set #0 (array('barfoo'), array(array('barfoo'))) PDOException: could not find driver 53) phpbb_dbal_test::test_build_array with data set #1 (array('barfoo', 1), array(array('barfoo'))) PDOException: could not find driver 54) phpbb_dbal_test::test_build_array with data set #2 (array('barfoo', 2), array()) PDOException: could not find driver 55) phpbb_dbal_test::test_build_array with data set #3 (array(), false, true) PDOException: could not find driver 56) phpbb_dbal_test::test_build_array with data set #4 ('no_array', false, true) PDOException: could not find driver 57) phpbb_dbal_test::test_build_array with data set #5 (0, false, true) PDOException: could not find driver 58) phpbb_dbal_test::test_build_array_insert with data set #0 (array('test_version', '0.0.0', 1)) PDOException: could not find driver 59) phpbb_dbal_test::test_build_array_insert with data set #1 (array('second config', '10', 0)) PDOException: could not find driver 60) phpbb_dbal_test::test_delete with data set #0 ('WHERE config_name = \'test_version\'', array(array('second config', '10', 0))) PDOException: could not find driver 61) phpbb_dbal_test::test_delete with data set #1 ('', array()) PDOException: could not find driver 62) phpbb_dbal_test::test_multiple_insert PDOException: could not find driver 63) phpbb_dbal_test::test_update with data set #0 (array('20', 0), ' WHERE config_name = \'batch one\'', array(array('batch one', '20', 0), array('batch two', 'b2', 1))) PDOException: could not find driver 64) phpbb_dbal_test::test_update with data set #1 (array('0', 1), '', array(array('batch one', '0', 1), array('batch two', '0', 1))) PDOException: could not find driver FAILURES! Tests: 846, Assertions: 10065, Errors: 64, Incomplete: 11. pie@snap tests % (cd .. && patch -p1 ) matches expected . 2) phpbb_regex_url_test::test_url with data set #1 ('http://www.phpbb.com/path/file.ext#section', 1) Failed asserting that matches expected . 3) phpbb_regex_url_test::test_url with data set #2 ('ftp://ftp.phpbb.com/', 1) Failed asserting that matches expected . 4) phpbb_regex_url_test::test_url with data set #3 ('sip://bantu@phpbb.com', 1) Failed asserting that matches expected . 5) phpbb_regex_url_test::test_url with data set #4 ('www.phpbb.com/community/', 0) Failed asserting that matches expected . FAILURES! Tests: 846, Assertions: 10065, Failures: 5, Errors: 64, Incomplete: 11. pie@snap tests %