1701c1701 < function phpbb_check_username_collisions() --- > function phpbb_create_userconv_table() 1738c1738 < $drop_sql = 'DROP TABLE ' . $table_prefix . 'userconv'; --- > $drop_sql = 'DROP TABLE ' . USERCONV_TABLE; 1742c1742 < $create_sql = 'CREATE TABLE ' . $table_prefix . 'userconv ( --- > $create_sql = 'CREATE TABLE ' . USERCONV_TABLE . ' ( 1749c1749 < $create_sql = 'CREATE TABLE [' . $table_prefix . 'userconv] ( --- > $create_sql = 'CREATE TABLE [' . USERCONV_TABLE . '] ( 1756c1756 < $create_sql = 'CREATE TABLE ' . $table_prefix . 'userconv ( --- > $create_sql = 'CREATE TABLE ' . USERCONV_TABLE . ' ( 1763c1763 < $create_sql = 'CREATE TABLE ' . $table_prefix . 'userconv ( --- > $create_sql = 'CREATE TABLE ' . USERCONV_TABLE . ' ( 1770c1770 < $create_sql = 'CREATE TABLE ' . $table_prefix . 'userconv ( --- > $create_sql = 'CREATE TABLE ' . USERCONV_TABLE . ' ( 1777c1777 < $create_sql = 'CREATE TABLE ' . $table_prefix . 'userconv ( --- > $create_sql = 'CREATE TABLE ' . USERCONV_TABLE . ' ( 1784c1784 < $create_sql = 'CREATE TABLE ' . $table_prefix . 'userconv ( --- > $create_sql = 'CREATE TABLE ' . USERCONV_TABLE . ' ( 1795,1815c1795 < < // now select all user_ids and usernames and then convert the username (this can take quite a while!) < $sql = 'SELECT user_id, username < FROM ' . $convert->src_table_prefix . 'users'; < $result = $src_db->sql_query($sql); < < $insert_ary = array(); < $i = 0; < while ($row = $src_db->sql_fetchrow($result)) < { < $clean_name = utf8_clean_string(phpbb_set_default_encoding($row['username'])); < $insert_ary[] = array('user_id' => (int) $row['user_id'], 'username_clean' => (string) $clean_name); < < if ($i % 1000 == 999) < { < $db->sql_multi_insert($table_prefix . 'userconv', $insert_ary); < $insert_ary = array(); < } < $i++; < } < $src_db->sql_freeresult($result); --- > } 1817,1821c1797,1799 < if (sizeof($insert_ary)) < { < $db->sql_multi_insert($table_prefix . 'userconv', $insert_ary); < } < unset($insert_ary); --- > function phpbb_check_username_collisions() > { > global $db, $src_db, $convert, $table_prefix, $user, $lang; 1825c1803 < FROM ' . $table_prefix . 'userconv --- > FROM ' . USERCONV_TABLE .' 1841c1819 < FROM ' . $table_prefix . 'userconv --- > FROM ' . USERCONV_TABLE . ' 1883a1862 > $drop_sql = 'DROP TABLE ' . USERCONV_TABLE;