Export - CSV (All fields)
Export - CSV (Current fields)
Investigate ability to use set_config() and similar compatibility functions.PHPBB-14636
BC compatibility broken using request_varPHPBB-14660
Emails are being sent unparsedPHPBB-14690
Email queue cron task never runs for phpBB 3.2PHPBB-14714
Update composer dependencies to latest versionsPHPBB-14716
Impossible to install with open basedir restrictionsPHPBB-14740
BBcodes with quotes dont get parsed correctlyPHPBB-14763
Files services definition specifies form for local typePHPBB-14782
Quick Links > Your Posts gives mysql errorPHPBB-14788
Update developer list to reflect team changesPHPBB-14799
purge_notifications() leaves open transaction for bad notification types.PHPBB-14813
functions_compatibility missing in phpbbcliPHPBB-14814
Text reparser reparses already correctly [re]parsed objectsPHPBB-14846
Swapped variables in bbcode, first one doesn't get parsedPHPBB-14867
INCLUDECSS Path brokenPHPBB-14875
Cannot use HTML entity type database passwords during installationPHPBB-14883
Text Reparser is Reparsing Empty DataPHPBB-14892
Assets paths broken on Windows instancesPHPBB-14900
Disabled extension breakage in ACPPHPBB-14484
Support extensions in UI testsPHPBB-14492
Improve send stats page and include VigLinkPHPBB-14612
Double .panel class on confirmation page (ajax error?)PHPBB-14620
Update docs/ for 3.2.xPHPBB-14628
CLI installer doesn't support the translatable error messagesPHPBB-14633
Creating a new topic leaves a white pagePHPBB-14663
Incorrect unicode chars handling in custom BBCodePHPBB-14700
Updating from 3.1 to 3.2, just stopsPHPBB-14706
nested BB-Code [list] shows different behaviour between 3.1 and 3.2PHPBB-14709
Deleting posts from mcp_main causes missing post_id noticePHPBB-14717
Quote any scalar in yaml filesPHPBB-14729
Report post controller and report helper require specific implementation of config classPHPBB-14742
Improvements to migratorPHPBB-14746
Don't depend on container in installer msg_handlerPHPBB-14764
Incomplete update notification points to wrong update-linkPHPBB-14765
Parameter vs requirement spelling mismatch in installer routing configPHPBB-14791
Trying to get form from wrong button in search test basePHPBB-14807
Updates dependenciesPHPBB-14873
Missing width and height variables for smiliesPHPBB-14894
Update: download of conflict files offers .tar file without file extensionPHPBB-10809
Remove PHP MSSQL SupportPHPBB-10961
"You are not authorised..." still sends HTTP status 200 instead of i.e. 403PHPBB-12610
Add a command to check if the board is up to date.PHPBB-13709
Fallback to english in email templates by extensionsPHPBB-14547
Add Vagrant SupportPHPBB-14586
phpBB Oauth V1 Wrapper SupportPHPBB-14595
smtp portPHPBB-14640
Wrong link to documentation in language/en/install.phpPHPBB-14665
Invalid syntax in report_id_auto_increment migrationPHPBB-14671
Deduplicate database schema definitonPHPBB-14689
Build 3.2.x API docs
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