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  1. phpBB
  2. PHPBB-16947

Conversions failing due to escaping strings


      Recent changes to the conversion software appear to be buggy. Specifically, changes appear to escape strings in some rows of the phpbb_config table used in conversions as follows:

      select * from phpbb_config where config_name like 'convert%';

      config_name config_value is_dynamic


      convert_db_server a:4: {s:4:\"dbms\";s:22:\"phpbb\\db\\driver\\mysqli\";s:6:\"dbhost\";s:9:\"\";s:6:\"dbport\";s:0:\"\";s:6:\"dbname\";s:10:\"klein-putz\";}  1
      convert_db_user a:2:{s:6:\"dbuser\";s:4:\"root\";s:8:\"dbpasswd\";s:0:\"\";} 1
      convert_options a:2:{s:10:\"forum_path\";s:16:\"../../klein-putz\";s:7:\"refresh\";i:0;} 1
      convert_progress a:3:{s:4:\"step\";s:0:\"\";s:12:\"table_prefix\";s:6:\"phpbb_\";s:3:\"tag\";s:7:\"phpbb20\";} 1


      As a result, the converter fails after the old database connection information is submitted. When unserialized, a NULL is returned instead of an array.

      The database should look more like this:

      | config_name       | config_value                                                                                                                    | is_dynamic |
      | convert_db_server | a:4:{s:4:"dbms";s:22:"phpbb\db\driver\mysqli";s:6:"dbhost";s:9:"";s:6:"dbport";s:0:"";s:6:"dbname";s:10:"klein-putz";} |          1 |
      | convert_db_user   | a:2:{s:6:"dbuser";s:4:"root";s:8:"dbpasswd";s:0:"";}                                                                            |          1 |
      | convert_options   | a:2:{s:10:"forum_path";s:16:"../../klein-putz";s:7:"refresh";i:1;}                                                              |          1 |
      | convert_progress  | a:3:{s:4:"step";s:38:"current_table=16&skip_rows=2097987";s:12:"table_prefix";s:6:"phpbb_";s:3:"tag";s:7:"phpbb20";}        |          1 |

      Yes, phpBB 2 conversions are still happening more than a decade later. I do about half a dozen of these a year for clients.

      I'm pretty sure the issue is on line 135 of install/convert/convertor.php:

                  $src_db->sql_connect($convert->src_dbhost, $convert->src_dbuser, htmlspecialchars_decode($convert->src_dbpasswd, ENT_COMPAT), $convert->src_dbname, $convert->src_dbport, false, true);

      The ENT_COMPAT parameter was added.

      This flag was added elsewhere in this program since the phpBB 3.3.0 version. All instances should be tested and fixed if contributing to this problem.


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            MarkDHamill MarkDHamill
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