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  1. phpBB
  2. PHPBB-16940

Optimize phpBB Native Search


      • Use sql_query_limit instead of sql_query
      • Update SQL query to reflect the above change
      • Assign proper last post_id to $post_counter

      As-per previous code, between 2 post_ids there may or may not be 100/100 posts,
      sometimes or most of the times some posts might be deleted
      and hence no of post can be less than 100, eg. 80/100.

      I optimized such that there will be always be 100/100 posts to index it in one while(...) loop.

      Example (Approx, since it's system depended):

      Step is no of refresh, inside each step there are no of while(...) loops.

      In Previous code:
      Step 1: 80 | 60 | 100 = 240 - (1 min)
      Step 2: 40 | 90 | 70 = 200 - (1 min)
      Step 3: 50 | 70 | 90 = 210 - (1 min)

      PR code:
      Step 1: 100 | 100 | 100 = 300 - (1 min)
      Step 2: 100 | 100 | 100 = 300 - (1 min)
      Step 3: 50 = 50 - (few secs)

      also on larger board, even no of Steps will reduce and hence also the time.

      I hope you understand what I mean, this is the best explanation I can come with.


            Marc Marc
            Dark❶ Dark❶
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