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  1. phpBB
  2. PHPBB-13399

Problem with plurals - 'CHARACTERS'


    • Icon: Improvement Improvement
    • Resolution: Fixed
    • Icon: Minor Minor
    • 3.3.11
    • 3.1.0, 3.1.1, 3.1.2
    • Language pack
    • None

      In language/en/common.php is

      'CHARACTERS' => array(
      1 => '%d character',
      2 => '%d characters',

      In Czech we translate it as

      1 => '%d znak', (for 1)
      2 => '%d znaky', (for 2-4)
      3 => '%d znaků', (for 5 and more)

      It's usable for most of the cases, where it is used (I found one case in language/en/search.php), except in counting characters of password and user name in language/en/ucp.php where are lines like this:

      'PASS_TYPE_ANY_EXPLAIN' => 'Must be between %1$s and %2$s.',

      In this case we use different form for 5 and more characters than is in language/en/common.php


      "Must be between 3 characters and 25 characters."

      We should use:

      "...between 3 znaky a 25 znaky"

      But we have (because of declension):

      "...between 3 znaky a 25 znaků"

      Last letter is different (y - ů)

      I hope it make a sense.

      Now I would like to ask if you can add into language/en/ucp.php separate

      plural array 'CHARACTERS_XY' => array(

      used only for counting characters in password and user name.

            Marc Marc
            leschek leschek
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