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  1. phpBB
  2. PHPBB-16391

Language file info_mcp_xxx.php from extensions should be included in ACP


      Language files of extensions, which start with:

      • info_acp_
      • info_mcp_
      • info_ucp_

      are included into phpBB automatically to provide language keys for navigation, logs etc. within the ACP.

      If you use "$phpbb_log->add" with 'mode=mod' the log entry with its details and action will be visible in "ACP > Maintenance > Moderator log" and via: "MCP > Moderator logs".

      This leads to the fact, that you need the language key in the ACP and the MCP.

      At moment the info_mcp_ is not enough, you need the same entry in info_acp_ as well.

      So i think, the info_mcp_***.php needs be included in the ACP as well or similar.

            Marc Marc
            Crizzo Crizzo
            0 Vote for this issue
            2 Start watching this issue
