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  1. phpBB
  2. PHPBB-16045

Notification type


    • Icon: Improvement Improvement
    • Resolution: Unresolved
    • Icon: Minor Minor
    • None
    • 3.2.7
    • Notification System

      In those 4 files:

      'id' => 'moderation_queue',

      but it should be:
      'id' => 'notification.type.moderation_queue',

      Since all others kind of notification follows that naming.

      I would create a PR for that since its simple, but I don't know if that will cause any kind of problems on forums that had the old id. Maybe that would ask a update to the database to fix old entries.


      And at /phpbb/notification/manager.php, line 475, we've:
      if ($type instanceof \phpbb\notification\type\type_interface && $type->is_available())

      I had to delete the  && $type->is_available() part of it, because it was creating a problem on an extension that uses the method get_global_subscriptions(false) to get all the notification types.
      With that is_Available, those types doesnt appear:

      "User requiring activation:"

      "Your topics/posts are approved or disapproved by a moderator:"

      EDIT: This seems related to the second problem exposed above: https://tracker.phpbb.com/browse/PHPBB3-15940

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            Leinad4Mind Leinad4Mind
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