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  1. phpBB
  2. PHPBB-15674

Edit language lines in file en\acp\profile.php


    • Icon: Improvement Improvement
    • Resolution: Fixed
    • Icon: Minor Minor
    • 3.2.4-RC1
    • 3.2.1, 3.2.3-RC1, 3.2.2
    • Language pack
    • None

      In Custom profile fields settings are Language definitions, where user can define his/her own names for CPF. If your board has more languages than one, you can see following line:


      {{Since you have more than one board language
      installed, you now can change or add the remaining language items too.
      The profile field will work with the default language enabled.}}



      The second sentence is kind of confusing, so I would be nice to make it sound a bit clearer (something like this):


      {{}}{{Since you have more than one board language
      installed, you now can change or add the remaining language items too.
      If you don't, then default language setting for this CPF will be used.}}


      You can find this line in file \language\en\acp\profile.php (they are actually two similar lines:


      'STEP_3_EXPLAIN_CREATE' => 'Since you have more than one board language installed, you have to fill out the remaining language items too. The profile field will work with the default language enabled, you are able to fill out the remaining language items later too.',
      'STEP_3_EXPLAIN_EDIT' => 'Since you have more than one board language installed, you now can change or add the remaining language items too. The profile field will work with the default language enabled.',


      There is discussion on phpbb.com about this issue: https://www.phpbb.com/community/viewtopic.php?f=566&t=2473361&p=15021081#p15021001}}{{

            nicofuma nicofuma
            leschek leschek
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