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  1. phpBB
  2. PHPBB-15065

Topic Icons missing on search


    • Icon: Bug Bug
    • Resolution: Fixed
    • Icon: Minor Minor
    • None
    • 3.2.0
    • Search
    • phpBB 3.2, PHP 5.6.19, MySQL 5.6.34, Firefox 51.0.1 (32-bit), Chrome 56.0.2924.87 (64-bit), Internet Explorer 11.576.14393.0, Microsoft Edge 38.14393.0.0

      When searching topics, the topics are shown with the default topic icon and not the ones that can be selected when posting topics.

      Eg all pages linked to search and showing topics are affected (show unread posts etc).

      Bug can be patched for style "prosilver" easily with following steps:

      • File: /search.php
      1. Edit line 794
      2. Change:

        $sql_select = 't.*, f.forum_id, f.forum_name';

      3. Into:

        $sql_select = 't.*, f.forum_id, f.forum_name, f.enable_icons';

      • File: /styles/prosilver/template/search_results.html
      1. Edit line 81
      2. Change:

        <dt<!-- IF searchresults.TOPIC_ICON_IMG and S_TOPIC_ICONS --> style="background-image: url({T_ICONS_PATH}{searchresults.TOPIC_ICON_IMG}); background-repeat: no-repeat;"<!-- ENDIF --> title="{searchresults.TOPIC_FOLDER_IMG_ALT}">

      3. Into:

        <dt<!-- IF searchresults.TOPIC_ICON_IMG and searchresults.S_TOPIC_ICONS --> style="background-image: url({T_ICONS_PATH}{searchresults.TOPIC_ICON_IMG}); background-repeat: no-repeat;"<!-- ENDIF --> title="{searchresults.TOPIC_FOLDER_IMG_ALT}">

            Unassigned Unassigned
            Sanborn Sanborn
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