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  1. phpBB
  2. PHPBB-13656

database_upgrade.php fails when database password contains a % character


      I have an existing board on 3.0.13. I downloaded the 3.1.3 install files and followed the upgrade steps. When I got to the database_upgrade.php, it failed saying it could not connect to the database. I debugged the connection attempt and saw that my password had been escaped so that 'some%password' became 'some%%password'.

      I'm using the mysqli driver, so when I stepped in to the mysql_connect function, I could see that $sqlpassword had doubled my % characters.

      Line 58 of \phpbb\config_php_file.php:
      $container->setParameter($parameter, $parameter_bag->escapeValue($value));

      Nothing was unescaping the value though when pulling it back out and passing to the mysqli driver.

            nicofuma nicofuma
            jclermont jclermont [X] (Inactive)
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