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  1. phpBB
  2. PHPBB-16037

Private message ViewFolder Broken


      With the addition of message_reported to $color_rows on line 42 of ucp_pm_viewfolder... PM system got broken. That's because unlike the other values in that array (marked and replied, which exist in the db with the prefix pm_) the message_reported does not exist in the db as pm_message_reported.

       Bug introduced here: https://github.com/phpbb/phpbb/commit/90b4ebab90be0260177676b98b7a1c64b9829166

      Hence the following Notice: 


      ContextErrorException in ucp_pm_viewfolder.php line 141:
       Notice: Undefined index: pm_message_reported
      in ucp_pm_viewfolder.php line 141
       at ErrorHandler->handleError('8', 'Undefined index: pm_message_reported', '/phpBB/includes/ucp/ucp_pm_viewfolder.php', '141') in error_handler.php line 29
       at error_handler->handleError('8', 'Undefined index: pm_message_reported', '/phpBB/includes/ucp/ucp_pm_viewfolder.php', '141', array('id' => 'pm', 'mode' => 'view', 'folder_id' => '0', 'folder' => array(array('folder_name' => 'Inbox', 'num_messages' => '2', 'unread_messages' => '1'), array('folder_name' => 'Outbox', 'num_messages' => '0', 'unread_messages' => '0'), array('folder_name' => 'Sent messages', 'num_messages' => '2', 'unread_messages' => '0')), 'user' => object(user), 'template' => object(twig), 'auth' => object(auth), 'db' => object(factory), 'cache' => object(service), 'request' => object(request), 'phpbb_root_path' => './', 'config' => object(db), 'phpEx' => 'php', 'submit_export' => false, 'folder_info' => array('pm_count' => '2', 'pm_list' => array('2', '1'), 'rowset' => array(array('msg_id' => '2', 'user_id' => '2', 'author_id' => '2', 'pm_deleted' => '0', 'pm_new' => '0', 'pm_unread' => '1', 'pm_replied' => '0', 'pm_marked' => '0', 'pm_forwarded' => '0', 'folder_id' => '0', 'root_level' => '0', 'message_time' => '1478941299', 'message_subject' => 'test', 'icon_id' => '0', 'to_address' => 'u_2', 'message_attachment' => '0', 'bcc_address' => '', 'username' => 'admin', 'username_clean' => 'admin', 'user_colour' => 'AA0000', 'message_reported' => '0'), array('msg_id' => '1', 'user_id' => '2', 'author_id' => '2', 'pm_deleted' => '0', 'pm_new' => '0', 'pm_unread' => '0', 'pm_replied' => '0', 'pm_marked' => '0', 'pm_forwarded' => '0', 'folder_id' => '0', 'root_level' => '0', 'message_time' => '1423883420', 'message_subject' => 'Test to self', 'icon_id' => '0', 'to_address' => 'u_2', 'message_attachment' => '0', 'bcc_address' => '', 'username' => 'admin', 'username_clean' => 'admin', 'user_colour' => 'AA0000', 'message_reported' => '0'))), 'icons' => array(array('img' => 'misc/fire.gif', 'width' => '16', 'height' => '16', 'alt' => '', 'display' => true), array('img' => 'misc/star.gif', 'width' => '16', 'height' => '16', 'alt' => '', 'display' => true), array('img' => 'misc/radioactive.gif', 'width' => '16', 'height' => '16', 'alt' => '', 'display' => true), array('img' => 'misc/heart.gif', 'width' => '16', 'height' => '16', 'alt' => '', 'display' => true), array('img' => 'misc/thinking.gif', 'width' => '16', 'height' => '16', 'alt' => '', 'display' => true), array('img' => 'smile/question.gif', 'width' => '16', 'height' => '16', 'alt' => '', 'display' => true), array('img' => 'smile/alert.gif', 'width' => '16', 'height' => '16', 'alt' => '', 'display' => true), array('img' => 'smile/info.gif', 'width' => '16', 'height' => '16', 'alt' => '', 'display' => true), array('img' => 'smile/redface.gif', 'width' => '16', 'height' => '16', 'alt' => '', 'display' => true), array('img' => 'smile/mrgreen.gif', 'width' => '16', 'height' => '16', 'alt' => '', 'display' => true)), 'color_rows' => array('message_reported', 'marked', 'replied', 'friend', 'foe'), 'zebra_enabled' => true, 'var' => 'message_reported', 'mark_options' => array('mark_important', 'delete_marked'), 's_mark_options' => '<option value="mark_important">Mark/Unmark as important</option><option value="delete_marked">Delete marked</option>', 'mark_option' => 'delete_marked', 's_folder_move_options' => '', 'folder_ary' => array('folder_name' => 'Sent messages', 'num_messages' => '2', 'unread_messages' => '0'), 'f_id' => '-1', 'friend' => array(), 'foe' => array(), 'sql' => 'SELECT * FROM phpbb_zebra WHERE user_id = 2', 'result' => object(mysqli_result), 'row' => array('msg_id' => '2', 'user_id' => '2', 'author_id' => '2', 'pm_deleted' => '0', 'pm_new' => '0', 'pm_unread' => '1', 'pm_replied' => '0', 'pm_marked' => '0', 'pm_forwarded' => '0', 'folder_id' => '0', 'root_level' => '0', 'message_time' => '1478941299', 'message_subject' => 'test', 'icon_id' => '0', 'to_address' => 'u_2', 'message_attachment' => '0', 'bcc_address' => '', 'username' => 'admin', 'username_clean' => 'admin', 'user_colour' => 'AA0000', 'message_reported' => '0'), 'address_list' => array(), 'message_id' => '2', 'folder_img' => 'pm_unread', 'folder_alt' => 'NEW_MESSAGES', 'view_message_url' => './ucp.php?i=pm&mode=view&f=0&p=2', 'remove_message_url' => './ucp.php?i=pm&mode=compose&action=delete&p=2', 'row_indicator' => '')) in ucp_pm_viewfolder.php line 141
       at view_folder('pm', 'view', '0', array(array('folder_name' => 'Inbox', 'num_messages' => '2', 'unread_messages' => '1'), array('folder_name' => 'Outbox', 'num_messages' => '0', 'unread_messages' => '0'), array('folder_name' => 'Sent messages', 'num_messages' => '2', 'unread_messages' => '0'))) in ucp_pm.php line 393
       at ucp_pm->main('pm', 'view') in functions_module.php line 676
       at p_master->load_active() in ucp.php line 400



            Marc Marc
            VSE Matt Friedman [X] (Inactive)
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