In phpBB/language/en/ucp.php at line 118, we have this:
'BOARD_DATE_FORMAT_EXPLAIN' => 'The syntax used is identical to the PHP <a href="">date()</a> function.',
In phpBB/language/en/acp/board.php at line 47, we have this:
'DEFAULT_DATE_FORMAT_EXPLAIN' => 'The date format is the same as the PHP <code>date</code> function.',
Note that the first provides the user a handy link to the PHP Date function page, whereas the latter does not. This is a handy feature and I can think of no reason why line 47 in board.php should not also provide a link and read:
'DEFAULT_DATE_FORMAT_EXPLAIN' => 'The date format is the same as the PHP <a href="">date()</a> function.',