Identifier: posting_preview_content_after
Prosilver Location: posting_preview.html (after the content and before the attachment part)
Identifier: posting_topic_review_row_content_after
Prosilver Location: posting_topic_review.html (after the content and before the attachment part)
Identifier: search_results_content_after
Prosilver Location: search_results.html (after the content and before the "jump to post" part)
Identifier: viewtopic_body_postrow_content_after
Prosilver Location: viewtopic_body.html (after the content and before the attachment part)
Explanation: Needed for extensions who adds information at the end of the message (such as moderator messages).
- is duplicated by
PHPBB-15736 [Template] posting_topic_review_content_after
- Closed