Resolution: Fixed
3.2.3-RC1, 3.2.2
The condition of migrations' if statements must be of boolean type. Calling another migration tool is not supported, see: https://github.com/phpbb/phpbb/blob/release-3.2.2/phpBB/phpbb/db/migrator.php#L761-L766
This does not work as expected:
['if', [ |
['module.exists', ['acp', false, 'ACP_FOO']], |
['module.remove', ['acp', false, 'ACP_FOO']], |
The only place in phpBB core where no boolean type is provided is this: https://github.com/phpbb/phpbb/blob/release-3.2.2/phpBB/phpbb/db/migration/data/v320/add_help_phpbb.php#L36
The effect is that module.remove is always called, which is not too serious because module.remove internally checks if the module exists before trying to delete it.