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  1. phpBB
  2. PHPBB-15560

Wrong redirection upon hard delete after soft delete in viewtopic


      In a topic with more than 1 post, and with one soft deleted post, you have the option (in viewtopic, permissions granted) to hard delete or restore that post.

      After choosing the "hard delete" option, filling the reason and confirming, you have the success page with two links:

      • Return to the forum last visited
      • Return to the previous page**

      Clicking the "Return to the previous page" you are redirected to MCP, but the previous page you were was the original topic page, and you should be redirected to the topic page.

      Obs.: If you choose "Restore", instead of "hard delete", the "return to the previous page" acts accordingly.

            mrgoldy mrgoldy
            takufner Prof. Caju
            0 Vote for this issue
            2 Start watching this issue
