As phpbb discussion
after the upgrade to phpbb 3.2 now I see an issue in the admin section who not let me be able to edit the english translation of my installation but issue is also present on a clean install of phpbb.
This is my registration page:
You have to select English from the dropdown and click next
As you can see where it be asked the birth date (by scrolling down the page) there is a English description:
[quote]Your Date of Birth. This Info will be showed only to the Forum Staff. Profiles with wrong Date of birth will be suspended or deleted and can erase also user's posts.[/quote]
[b]How to reproduce:[/b]
Ok if I try to change that a 500 server error occur.
So I go on ACP (demo of clean phpbb here: )
1. Log in into ACP
2. user and groups
3. Custom profile field
4. date, create new field (bottom right)
5. put as Field identification: abcdate
Field name/title presented to the user:
now press the button Profile type specific options and a blank page will be showed.
I AM updating also phpbb topics with this bug report so no one will maybe create duplicate and who is interested on follow the bug tracking can do.
- is duplicated by
PHPBB-15228 Creating a Date type CPF gives Error
- Closed