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  1. phpBB
  2. PHPBB-10009

Differentiate published/updated dates in Atom feed


    • Icon: Improvement Improvement
    • Resolution: Fixed
    • Icon: Minor Minor
    • 3.0.9-RC1
    • 3.0.8
    • Other
    • None
    • PHP 5.3.3, MySQL 5.0.51a, Firefox 3.5.16, Debian

      The Atom feed currently displays all dates in atom:updated elements. Instead, I propose to use atom:updated for the date of changes to an entity and atom:published for the date on which an entity was published (in line with their definitions in 4.2.9 and 4.2.15 of RFC4287). My interpretation is as follows:

      For posts: Publish date is post_time, updated date is post_edit_time, if any.
      For topics: Publish date is topic_time, updated date is topic_last_post_time, if any.
      For forums: No Publish date, updated date is forum_last_post_time, if any.

            bantu Andreas Fischer [X] (Inactive)
            kevinoid kevinoid
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